Going on holiday during the pandemic – it's just one big guilt trip | Arwa Mahdawi

I thought escaping from New York City for a few days would restore a sense of normality to my life. Instead, I ended up getting a coronavirus test‘No good deed goes unpunished, ” I thought grimly, as a nurse stuck a swab up my nostril and into my brain. This, as anyone who has taken a coronavirus test knows, is only a slight exaggeration. They push that thing well into the posterior of your nasopharynx, which is as unpleasant as it sounds.But before we discuss my good deed, I have a sad story to share. Reader, I went on holiday and I feel awful about it. (Have you grabbed your tiny violin yet?) Don’t worry, I’m not one of those who took the mickey and jetted off to Disney World amid a Florida coronavirus surge. I stayed in New York, but spent a week on Fire Island, which is off the coast of Long Island and is a sort of Disney World for homosexuals. To perpetuate reductive stereotypes: toned gay men have wild parties in the Pines area of Fire Island while lesbians discuss recent IVF advances and walk their dogs in an area called Cherry Grove. Continue reading... https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/jul/14/going-on-holiday-during-the-pandemic-its-just-one-big-guilt-trip