better gaming platform?

Mobile vs PC: Which Is the Better Platform for Gamers?
At first glance, it would seem why try to compare the incomparable? PC and mobile games require a completely different approach, from controls and graphics to optimization and UX/UI. But it’s not a secret for anyone that it is mobile games that have been leading the gaming market for a long time and constitute serious competition for both PCs and consoles, which cannot catch up with them even by combining their shares. PC vs console vs mobile market distribution looks like this.
Let’s objectively evaluate PC and mobile gaming from the point of view of the average gamer. On the one hand, PC games are a stronghold of reliability and the most comfortable secluded area where you can play the most modern games (if the hardware allows) and improve your experience with fancy devices. Multiplayer games only boosted the general fan more strongly: the ability to play with real people, communicate and work in teams immersed people in the gaming world with their heads. The graphics are improved every year, showing wonders of realism: lighting and weather effects, particle effects, ray tracing, reflections, and so on. Huge monitors surround sound and convenient controls remove all barriers between the virtual and real worlds. On the other hand, the portability of mobile games poses a serious challenge to canned one-on-one gatherings with a large-sized device at home. Your smartphone is always with you: you can play in transport, during a lunch break or while waiting for an order in a cafe. Modern games are perfectly adapted for any device, so it’s a pleasure to play them. At the same time, smartphones and their RAM have become much more powerful: now it is not uncommon to see the phrase “gaming smartphone”. And well-known titles like Call of Duty have long ago captured the incredible power of the mobile market and have spoiled their hit on mobile devices. So now you will find on your smartphone your favorite games, multiplayer, and whatever your heart desires. Controls, of course, is significantly inferior to a PC, but portability has to be paid for.

Mobile Gaming and its pros

No matter where you look, you can’t escape mobile games. There are ads for mobile games across digital platforms, on TV, in newspapers and magazines, on billboards, and even on transit media. The reason for this sudden surge in mobile gaming popularity is simply because mobile games provide gameplay on-the-go. That, and the fact that there are over 3.5B smartphone users across the globe as of last year.
The biggest advantage that mobile gaming platforms have over any other platforms, as mentioned, is that the users have easy access to their favorite games that can be played anywhere, any time. So whether you are bored at work, stuck in a long flight, or just taking a short break – mobile games are right at your fingertips. The mobile gaming industry is now worth billions of dollars, as the gameplay it offers is at par with PC gaming in terms of game design and graphics.

Mobile technology is constantly improving

Year after year, big players like Samsung, Apple, and others keep launching improved smartphones catering to the growing demands of today’s mobile users. Mobile phones and tablets now have better quality, bigger screens, and more storage capacities than ever. For avid gamers, these features are of great advantage.

Mobile games have the largest market share

PC Gaming and its pros

PC gaming used to be considered the real way of gaming until a few years ago. Before the rise in smartphone technology, around the early 2000s, PC gaming did have a monopoly and an impression of being the best gaming platform.
- Bigger screen, powerful processors, and better graphics & performance
- PC hardware is customizable
- PC Gameplay can be controlled using various gaming peripherals
- Closing thoughts: PC Gaming or Mobile Gaming – which platform should you choose?