How to get what you want with maximum ease

We are always criticizing someone, accusing someone, suffering. But at the same time, we do not want to take responsibility and the author's position of life, when you realize for sure that you are the cause of everything that happens in your life, and no one is to blame. Every day we make dozens of choices of thoughts, states, reactions, interpretations. Do we really know how to manage our thoughts, states, are we aware of them? Want something, everyone wants. But only a few are ready to really change. Sometimes it hurts, because you have to face your fears, limitations, blocks ... sometimes there are resistances that prevent us from moving forward ... If a person has an intention, he will definitely have a result. Otherwise, there is only a Wishlist without real intention. Postponing life for later. We are marking time. “I'll do it tomorrow” is our phrase. We are not writing a draft! We are already living on a clean copy. We will not have a chance to relive this life anew ... and time flies mercilessly ... We control our reality through two things: our state and intention. Intention - the willingness to act and take responsibility for your choices.