NFT bridge between Ethereum and Solana. Why is everyone so excited about it?

On September 22 Wormhole network announced the launch of their first NFT NFT bridge between Ethereum and Solana. Here is the link:
Users will now be able to send Ethereum and Solana NFTs cross chain. This includes CryptoPunks, Degenerate Ape Academy and Bored Ape Yacht Club. 

Wormhole tweeted:

"We can't wait to see how users will leverage the NFT bridge to bring together previously disparate communities of artists, musicians and content creators across multiple ecosystems. In this initial version, the bridge will ONLY support ERC-721 (with metadata) and SPL assets. However we'll be looking to expand NFT support even further to enable cross-chain transfers of ERC-1155 assets as well!" 
I've been looking forward for this kind of project for a long time. I think this is awesome for both $SOL and $ETH. Very excited to see what's next.