Feel The Music | Why you should see Coldplay live at least once in your life

Do you feel like your life is missing something?
If you’ve been thinking about doing something special for yourself, then this article’s for you. A Coldplay concert presents a life-changing opportunity. Hearing the transformative music and feeling the energy from the crowd, you won’t leave the same as you arrived.

Explosions of Colour

Did you want to see a concert that’s exploding in colour? Then go see Coldplay!
To say that Coldplay puts on colorful shows is an understatement. The truth is that they completely immerse you in a world of brilliant hues and awe-inspiring shades. After firing cannons filled with rainbow colors, get ready for a bit of yellow. Coldplay regularly drops gigantic yellow balls onto the audience while playing their famous hit, Yellow.

Feel Like a Part of the Show

Are you the type of fan who likes to get up close and personal with the celebrities you love? Chris Martin from Coldplay understands all too well how vital audience engagement is.
You’ll find that Chris Martin is the perfect mid-song talker. He might burst out with random questions in between songs or other things he feels the need to share with you.
Chris’s midsong talks let you know that he’s not just singing so you can listen. He wants you to sing with him!
VIDEO (Frankfurt Live Show)

Fun and Free Goodies

One of the first things you’ll notice when you buy a Coldplay concert ticket is that they can be pretty pricey. It might even be difficult for you to find Coldplay tickets for sale. If you’re lucky enough to secure a seat, you’ll get your money’s worth.

Coldplay Fans Have Only Good Vibes

It can be easy to let negativity drag you down. Thankfully, Coldplay fans understand all too well the power of embracing music. 
Chris Martin does a great job of building the audience’s energy, but the fans also come ready to give. Everyone around you will be in a loving, supportive mood.
As you sing along with songs, let the voices of fellow fans lift your spirits. Once the concert is over, you’re sure to be left speechless. It’s almost like going through a life-changing experience.
You won’t be the same person you were when you arrived at the concert. Instead, you’ll have had the rare chance to see what music heaven looks like; great sounds, intense colors, and love.
Video (Frankfurt Live Show)

Seeing Coldplay Live Lifts Your Heart

Live music is, without a doubt, completely different than listening to recorded sounds. When you go to a Coldplay concert, you feel the music instead of just hearing it. Dancing and jumping around, you’ll also be able to burn a ton of calories!
There’s something magical about raising your heart rate, sweating a little, and dancing to your favourite songs. It’s almost as if the rhythm and notes become a part of you. You may notice parts of the song that you didn’t know existed before. Certain chords will hold new meanings, and you’ll get a chance to experience Coldplay in an entirely new light.

Encourage an Eco-Friendly Concert

Did you know that Coldplay cares a lot about the environment? When you buy a Coldplay ticket, you can feel good about helping the environment. Chris Martin is working hard to ensure that all of their tours are environmentally beneficial.
One of their biggest goals is to have an entirely carbon-neutral show. Thanks to new research, being more sustainable is a real possibility. The band is also working towards powering their concerts with solar energy, which is easier on the environment.
There isn’t any easy way to calculate the band’s carbon footprint. But they’re doing their best to help make the world a better place.
P.S. Chris is one of the biggest supporters of Ukraine
Originally published at Daily News Dig (Edited by Ana Esakia)
📸 Ana Esakia (Frankfurt, Germany)