Few people know that the word enthusiasm comes from the Greek...

Few people know that the word enthusiasm comes from the Greek "ενθουσιασμός" - filled with God.
Initially, the word enthusiasm denoted the state of a person possessed by a deity or under his influence.
Over time, the meaning of this word “transformed”. And they began to designate "purposefulness and energy in achieving goals and intentions."
But being filled with God and having the enthusiasm to achieve something is the essence of one thing.
The "old" spirituality does not see this. It contrasts God and material desires, considering desires to be those that lead away from God and are the cause of suffering.
True spiritual Knowledge sees that the main function of the Creator is the Creation of the material world at will. The desire to create, to create, to experience, to expand oneself, to erase the boundaries of the possible. To live driven by the question: What else is possible in this world?
And tomorrow we have a big event with you. I will open registration for the updated Cycle of Lectures, my main work, the "Bible" of the modern spiritual seeker and the "Guide to Life" of every person who has matured to the need to gain Knowledge, to know himself as the Creator, and begin to masterfully fulfill his function - to consciously control external reality , modeling it with his pure, clear perception.