'No to Russian law!' - Everything you should know about Georgia's demonstrations

In Georgia, demonstrators have been gathering outside parliament since April 3 when the government announced the reinstatement of a controversial law on "foreign agents, " which had been revoked last year following massive protests. Thousands of protesters blocked traffic on Tbilisi's main road/street Rustaveli Avenue.
The state kept attacking by having unidentified people call and threaten opponents of the "Agents Law" on their personal phones for the third day in a row. These callers even mentioned their addresses and some victims had their cars and things damaged near their homes.
On May 8, politicians against the "Agents Law" were also attacked. Activists Lasha Gvinianidze and Gia Japaridze were beaten on the street, along with Dimitri Chikovani from the opposition party.
Today, the police arrested Ucha Abashidze, a blogger against the "Agents' Law", in his apartment after searching for hours. Hundreds of people gathered near his house and then moved to Chavchavadze Avenue.
Abashidze, accused of buying and having guns and ammo illegally, was taken to a temporary detention center in Ortachala.
His lawyer, Giorgi Makharadze, said the police told them the investigation against Abashidze is under Article 236 of the Criminal Code.
During a protest, the police arrested several demonstrators while they were on the road. Then, they directed them to the sidewalk and cleared the traffic.
Also, journalists from the government channel TV IMEDI resigned in protest.
Citizens keep confronting the regime with protests happening every day.
Stay tuned to my page for further details.